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Dotnull Consulting

Lean-Agile Industry 4.0 & Digital Transformation

Modern Work Space
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Discover Our Expertise


Value Add Design

Think, prototype and plan your flow

Engage by values, use Canvas, Design Thinking and U-theory to draw or review your business proposal. Confirm your rooms by prototype in a proper maker-space. Draw your plan and trace the future.

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Scaled Lean-Agile Framework

Sprint to target your goals

SMART framework and experienced curator to drive your team over sprint challenges. We support you to reach your goals on Digital Transformation Challenges (Industry 4.0, addictive manufacturing, digital fabrication and design).

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Shapping Intelligence

Workshop and makerspace

Knowledge is more than google it, practical experience and learn by doing is a key factor. By promoting education 4.0 approach we deploy your values to your team.

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686 Marechal Deodoro São Caetano do Sul, SP Brazil 09541-300

+55 11 95679-4803

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